Tuesday, August 18, 2015

a recap on the past couple weeks...

my home at Innisfree, Halcyon, is quickly becoming a destination in the village when you are in want of pies, scones, cookies, and other delectable edibles.  I've decided to shift focus from directly my experiences at Innisfree to the edibles and culinary experiments that are being created during my year long stay here in the village.  our CSA share through which we receive a smorgasbord of fantastic veggies and herbs is largely beneficial to our household kitchen as well.  I plan on working on perfecting my mostly vegetarian cooking and baking, especially growing my skills with working with yeast.  a short summary of the latest culinary creations include: my/actually Gary's pizza dough, my scones, pies, tonights dinner: tomato arugula salad with grilled chicken, flatbread, and french bread.  gluten-free desserts are going to be my next venture.  if you're living or visiting the village, be sure to hike up the hill to visit us at Halcyon.  after taking that hike, I believe that you will deserve to enjoy whatever kind of baked goods are waiting for you in our kitchen.  maybe we'll make you a cup of tea also-  stay tuned to my blog to hear more.

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